Friday, August 17, 2012

the. list.

  1. have lasik eye surgery
  2. build a snowman
  3. visit the world's largest something
  4. have a zero balance on my credit card on day 1,001
  5. drink nothing but water for one week
  6. go an entire week without eating any chocolate
  7. pay for the person behind me at the drive through
  8. plant a tree
  9. host a board game night
  10. attend a college football game
  11. attend a college basketball game
  12. go to a country concert
  13. go to a race
  14. go to the new Harry Potter section of Island of Adventure
  15. hike part of the Appalachian trail
  16. go zip lining
  17. go on an inner tube down a river
  18. be in Times Square on New Years Eve
  19. go to New Orleans during Mardi Gras
  20. donate blood, or at least attempt to
  21. finish my Chautauqua scrapbook
  22. make a purse for someone
  23. make something from my craft board on Pinterest
  24. try one of the ideas from my great ideas board on Pinterest
  25. watch AFI's 10 Top 10 (3/10)
  26. watch IMDB's top 100 movies of all time (42/100)
  27. read 10 novels that are NOT of the romance or fantasy genre (5/10)
  28. send 5 care packages for no reason at all (3/5)
  29. visit 10 wineries (4/10)
  30. lose 20 pounds
  31. visit Alabama
  32. visit Nebraska
  33. visit Colorado
  34. visit North Dakota
  35. visit Oregon
  36. visit Iowa
  37. visit Louisiana
  38. visit Michigan
  39. do the couch to 5k program
  40. run an organized 5K for charity
  41. create a chore schedule and follow it for an entire week


  1. #'S 5 AND 6 SHOULD BE DELETED.....there's nothing good there. ;)

  2. (there are really good ones tho.....I'll participate in "board night"! I hope these are not all things you haven't done....if they are, I'm glad you made this list. Actually, I NEED a list! :) Thanks for the encouragement!!
