Sunday, August 19, 2012


I think the Couch 2 5K is probably one of the scarrier things on my list. I dislike running, mainly because I'm not good at it. I have never been good at it. I forget to breathe, I don't have good strides, my stamina is pathetic, the list goes on and on. I've had this affliction since I was young. Especially when it comes to running long distances, like say... more than 100 yards! :) Even when playing sports in high school I struggled. My soccer coach informed me that I had (hopefully not have) a waddle-esque run and I was always the last one to finish the 2 mile 'fun runs'. 

However, I am determined to beat this weakness of mine and I'm hoping the C25K program helps me! Here goes!

Week 1 Day 1 - Wed 8/15
I survived! :)
This first week is a 5 min warm-up walk, followed by 8 sets of run for 60 seconds, walk for 90 seconds, and then finishes up with a 5 min cool down walk. I only had to walk 1 of the running intervals!
Here were my stats:
overall pace 14:09
total distance 1.91 miles
fastest interval 10:43

Week 1 Day 2 - Fri 8/17
OMGosh this one was harder! It was about 90 degrees and I apparently decided I was a pro now so I pushed it a lot harder in the beginning. I took a different route which looked shadier and went down hill more... but that meant I had a lot more uphill to traverse in order to get home! I had to walk the last 2 running intervals in order to not pass out but my stats were still pretty good:
overall pace 14:03
total distance 1.93 miles
fastest interval 9:43

Week 1 Day 3 - Sun 8/19
70 degrees makes running so much easier!! Today was the first day that I ran the 60 second intervals and could've kept going without feeling like I was going to die. :) I really focused on breathing today and I think that helped a lot. 
Stats for today:
overall pace 13:35
total distance 1.95 miles
fastest interval 9:48

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